Tag: Civil War

  • The Green Drum

    The Green Drum

    This beautiful drum, from The Arlington Historical Society archives, pictured here, is a lovely soft green with blue undertones. Wooden bands of a soft, sad red anchor the main green body of the artifact on either end, held together with neat rows of rivets. Emblazoned on one side is a painting of a ship and…

  • The Big Town of West Cambridge

    The Big Town of West Cambridge

    William H. Pattee, son of Jesse P. Pattee, followed his father’s flour-dusted footsteps into the bakery business as well as embracing his passion for fraternal organizations, serving as Master of the Hiram Lodge, 1862-1865. William H. Pattee was the namesake of an illustrious English ancestor, Sir William Pattee, who was a noted physician –having as…