Tag: Nina Winn
Ballad of the War of 1812
On Tuesday, April 24, 1917, Nina Winn wrote about attending a Historical Society event in which “Aunt Sue read a poem & Elizabeth Smith wore the ball dress she wrote of – made by Hannah Hall [later Mrs. Cyrus Cutter] & given by Mrs. Sterling & Mrs. Bates. Then the ‘[Old] Peabody Pew’ was presented and…
In memory of Nina Winn at Christmas
An excerpt from the diary of Miss Nina L. Winn, December 23, 1916: No flowers at [florist David] Duncan’s & Mrs. Duncan there because he is so poorly, [to] cemetery with my 2 wreaths – couldn’t afford more. Regular readers of Nina Winn’s diaries will be familiar with passages throughout the years, in which she…
On Mabel and George
Mabel Hartwell married George Winn, Wednesday, October 14, 1903. Because the diary of George’s sister, Nina Winn, is being serialized for Arlington residents in a local e-list through the kindness of local resident, Stu Galley, we have heard much about the couple.